Saturday, April 6, 2013

Your family can eat like royalty during a shtf

Eat like a king? Like...the King of MRE's? Eating mystery chicken something or other? Whatever.

No really. You can.  With a little planning that is. We've talked about a cache spot in your bug out locations. Did you know you can dry can flour? You put it in a mason jar, throw it in the oven for a while and put your lids on...and they will seal, keeping out any bugs or vermin?

Cool idea. It works good too. Simple bread is...well, simple to make. A little flour, sugar, salt, yeast is about all you need. You'll be surprised, but I actually AM going to tell you how to do that. I know, wonders never cease. I use a cool guy on youtube's recipe. I actually use it for everything. Bread, Fry bread, biscuits, pizza crust, donuts.

The only thing's I do a little different than him, is I  add sugar and I place the bread to rise in the pan I am going to cook it in. I only let it rise once and bake it.  Play around with the recipe, see what flavors you like. If you add garlic powder and italian seasoning in...and form into have some kick butt breadsticks.  Like grilled cheese? Wow, does the cheese and butter ever sink into the bread for the BEST grilled cheese sammich around, cooked in a cast iron skillet!

Here is the video:

I LOVE this bread, and it is simple, simple to make. Best recipe around that I have found. Right now I raise the bread up for just about half an hour...but I put it right behind the warm air vent behind my PS3. Obviously, in a shtf, I won't be doing that...but I will probably place it near the woodstove. Word of advice, make sure you go and put GREASED cling wrap over the top of your bowl. Trust me on that one!

In your cache you should have lots of flour, sugar, salt, yeast, baking powder, baking soda. Remember, just in the last century, all households used to buy hundreds of pounds of these staple items! You should to. And yes, you can still purchase 100# bags of flour. Plan ahead and buy several for each location if you can. Can those to keep out bugs, water...and everything else that can ruin your cache.

If you can't afford mason jars, just use that food bagging thingy that your Mom bought ten years ago and used one time. In fact, just go out and buy your own and a BUNCH of rolls of plastic for it.

Pack your flour, and even pack up the entire bread recipe and seal it closed. You won't have to measure anything but just add in your warm water when you are ready to make it.

The food sealer is also just as good for sealing up spare clothes, socks, hygiene items you will want like toilet paper and tampons, Q-tips, cotton balls, your medicinal trove of gauze and padding.

Guess what? You can also seal up bullets! And even your gun. I haven't tried sealing up a Mosin Nagant rifle/canoe paddle/pole vault stick/rifle taller than I am...but it is possible to do so. Clean it up nice, oil it good and seal her up. When you open it up in a shtf, she's ready to rock.

We're getting a bit off topic though. Back to the eating like a king, pack all of your essentials. Yes, pack your canned goods of course...but don't forget these. When everyone else who failed to pack/plan is out there foraging for acorns, you can just pull out a bag of bread, add water, let rise and bake it.

If you have kept goats, you will have cheese to put on it and butter to slather on. What a nice pick me up in a post shtf world!  If you kept chickens, you can have eggs and toast cooked over a fire for opposed to digging around to find bugs and stuff. Eww....They might be good sources of protein...but not something I want to watch my little kidlets eat. I want to see my kids eating eggs and toast for breakfast and smiling.

While you are doing your packing, add in some trade items. You will come across some people, and you guys may want to trade. Obviously, your safety is paramount, so I wouldn't rush out screaming, "I have stuff to trade!" From every straggler walking past, but we will delve into that in a later article.  That being said however, you will have opportunities to trade. Trade some bread, trade some salt...well, you get the idea.

While you are packing up your gear, pack up this too. Pack 2/3 cup flour, 1 1/3 cup oatmeal, 2/3 to 1 cup brown sugar, some cinnamon and some nutmeg-toss a little bit of allspice in there too. It will make two little square pans of apple crisp topping. Cut your apples, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, (that you made sure to have in your cache) add one stick of butter (that you made from the raw milk from the goats you kept) then just cook that until the apples are tender and the topping is getting crispy.

Now imagine sending the older kid out to shoot a pheasant, grilling that over an open fire with a lot of spices, fresh tater's from your 'secret garden' we talked about in an earlier article, chicken gravy from scratch, (with the cornstarch, flour, butter and chicken bouillon you made sure to pack), then picking up the last bits of gravy with the simple bread recipe and washing it all down with hot coffee you packed as you eat a dessert of fresh made from scratch apple crisp. YUM! < Holy run on sentence batman!

With just a little bit of planning, you can feed your babies up good, even in a shtf scenario. Remember to seal up your cache good and hide it well, or someone else will be eating your food.

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