Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Saving seeds; making your bug out location thrive

First of all, don't buy genetically altered seeds. Buy Heirloom seeds. Those are non GMO seeds. They will produce more seeds for you. Looking back into the blog I wrote on Plan B, I mentioned a pvc pipe as a good way to hide you cache.

Make sure you include seeds in there as well. Get all of your usual seeds, and plan that in each cache spot you will be able to plant a garden of some sorts. In addition to your tomatoes, radishes, carrots, lettuce etc., go forth into the world and order some tobacco seeds.

Tobacco is kind of hard to grow, if you have never done it before, however in a shtf will be able to trade your harvested tobacco.  Make sure you have some tobacco- and that you have learned HOW to grow it!

Also, we ALL know that one guy that is still a stoner from way back in the '60's, get some seeds from him and toss them in a cache spot. Many people who 'smoked their last' would trade many things to get their hands on some stress relieving herbs.

Speaking of herbs, do a little research and find out what herbs you can grow from seeds that you can use for both seasonings and as medicine.

Garlic, while you need to plant from a bulb is awesome for it's anti-biotic properties. You can go out and find a spot near your bug out location and plant some garlic. DON'T go out there and make a cute little garden spot with pink flamingo's and shit (metaphorically and literally). Just go to your bug out locations and go to the edge of an adjacent field, over by a hill, anywhere that's NOT a cute little garden plot that says to anyone passing by..."Hey...look someone planted food here".

Then just leave it be. Let it grow. It will grow, and IF you ever had to bug out to any of your bug out locations you will already have garlic, ginger, onions....all VERY good herbs for both spices and healing properties.

Asparagus is another one to plant, it will take a year for it to grow and start producing more little asparagus's to eat...but it will already be at your bug out location.

Another thing to think about it honey. Honey is another of natures healing medicines.  Perhaps you know of a bee keeper and you can get an old beehive for cheap or free. Maybe you can make one.  It would be good to have a hive hidden by deadfall on the edge of the woods. Hide it good, hide it well, make it as discreet as you possibly can. Keep this top secret and just somewhere around your location. Keep in mind, that anything you do at your location you want it to look as though no one has been there. Keep your cool, keep all your secrets a secret, and keep your location looking as abandoned as you can.

It is in your families best interest to learn about herbs. Get an herb book, figure out what is what. Look up other blogs who have ALL of that information. I'm not here to look up all the information for you and tell you what to do, I'm just here to talk about a few of my thoughts on the various subjects.

Remember, in a shtf scenario, you are your kid's mom,dad...AND teacher, police officer, security guard,doctor, dentist, nutritionist, EMT and everything else that you currently rely on a bevy of professionals to do. YOU are going to be their whole entire world. Learn what the heck you need to learn and get to learning it, in case you ever need to use it.

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