Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Gripes With Doomsday Preppers

Here is my biggest gripe. I have many but will only cover a few and then onto what you should pack in a cache spot.

Gripe Number One: You are planning for a cataclysmic pole shift. So you make shelving for your food....and then place glass jars on it. Brilliant.

Grip Number Two: It doesn't matter what catastrophe you plan for, but you pack things like spaghetti o's. What in the hell kind of health food is canned spaghetti anyway? Totally, if you LOVE them...pack some, of course. Pack your normal comfort foods too, you will wish for them later (and after you eat them) But don't make your entire cache of food be all processed convenience food.

Yes, get MRE's if you can. I never liked them.

Yes, canned food is processed, and yes, clearly it doesn't have the nutrient value that fresh veggies will have, however in a spaghetti-o vs. canned green beans, I am sure you can figure which will be healthier.

In one of you cache spots you secretly have, pack into a metal trunk, pack it into a pvc pipe, pack it into anything you can...but pack and save beans, canned tuna, sardines, oysters, canned chicken, beef, pork as much protein as you can. Pack also fillers like rice, barley, lentils, wild rice and keep away from nutrient lacking instant rice.

If you can, buy dried soups. As I said, I am no expert at all, I probably wouldn't hold a candle to what I probably shouldn't either, but I would think that dried veggies would be better than canned...but look it up. I probably will too, eventually.

Get grains, flaxseed, wheat germ...stuff like that too.  Stuff thats good for you and your body.

Back again to the processed foods. In a shtf scenario, the likelihood of you sitting around using a generator and playing your PS3 is virtually nil. Also, you will be expending a great many more calories than you do now. I mean, after all if your daily walk consists of walking to the refrigerator and back to the couch, plan that you will walk that same route a THOUSAND times a day instead of three, four...or even six times.

You are going to need food that will at least have some nutritional value. You know how when you eat tuna helper, and feel hungry again just a little while later? That's (most likely) because tuna helper doesn't have much in the way of good nutritional calories. Yes, I don't know the exact terms, but I know what I'm (mostly) talking about. Someone else will comment eventually and tell you exactly what I was probably trying to say.

So pack protein rich foods, pack vegetables, pack fruits. Pack flour, yeast, baking powder, epsom salts, iodized salt, table salt, pepper, baking soda, powdered vanilla, powdered eggs etc. Yes, they really do make powdered vanilla. It's not to bad either.

I will send out some simple simple bread and biscuit recipes as we get going along here. Bread and biscuits are not all that healthy, especially made with white flour, but if you crave a hot slice of bread fresh from the will be nice to have the stuff on hand, and know how to make it.

As I said in an earlier post, when you are making your canned food cache spot, make absolutely certain you are burying/hiding them BELOW the frost line. You don't want them freezing and going bad.

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