Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Welcome to the wrol/shtf blog

I want to start out by first welcoming you to OUR blog. Yes, OUR...as in Your blog and My blog. I am not an expert..and most likely I will say things that are wrong. Maybe I will say something that you disagree with, you don't see how would ever work or simply things that you just think are plain stupid. Speak up! Add your expertise in there too!

Word of warning though...this is a family page...lets keep it clean! Don't be a jerk for the sake of being a jerk. If you do...and some of you will, we will simply delete you and go on with our lives...and most likely just forget about you! That being said, let's get to work.

There is a LARGE portion of the population talking about prepping, about WROL, about SHTF, about economic collapse, civil unrest, civil disobedience, revolutionary war, and many other such related topics. 
We have a lot of questions that we need answered, so let's go. First of all, WROL mean's Without Rule of Law. SHTF means Shit Hits the Fan. We all know what the rest means. 

But why the sudden discussion over this, and why are so many people talking about this? I can't answer that question completely, except to give you my honest opinion. While I don't know if something IS imminent, it seems at least possible...and maybe even likely.
Whatever the case may be, it does actually behoove everyone to be at least a little bit prepared. In all honesty, we have man-made and natural disasters that happen everyday around the world. We have seen in our own America where infrastructure has failed, and those who failed to plan have failed...and the government safety nets have failed. We have seen entire cities reduced to third world countries overnight. These things CAN and DO happen. It is in all of our best interests to be at least somewhat prepared for several different scenarios. 

This is not a 'prepping' blog. We are not prepping. We are simply living and giving ourselves insurance that we CAN KEEP living, in the event of most anything. 

Most everything on this blog will focus on family. That is what we are about. I'm pretty random so some days, there will be a new post twice a day. Sometimes there will be a new post about once a week.   I won't always go in a straight line either. Good luck keeping up with my randomness! :)

We will answer a few questions and we will raise a few more. 

How will you safely provide for your children? How will you survive? What will you eat? How will you cook? What plants are safe to eat? What plants are good as medicine? What plants can kill? Can you cache supplies of food? Will you "bug out"? Where can you go? So, let's go forth into this scary new discussions and try to make it at the least, not so scary and at best....to save lives.                                                                          

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